
OSINT Resources

Quick resource list that may help your research, use at your own risk.

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IP Addresses

Name Description URL
IPInfo Gives detailed information of a given IP address https://ipinfo.io/
IPQualityScore VPN/Proxy Test, IP Reputation https://www.ipqualityscore.com/free-ip-lookup-proxy-vpn-test
IP-DB.io Similar to IPInfo, but is free and doesn’t require signing up https://ip-db.io
IP2Geo Bulk IP geolocation, does not support IPv6 https://ip2geo.org/
ShowMyIP Bulk IP geolocation, supports IPv6 https://www.showmyip.com/bulk-ip-lookup/
VPNAPI VPN/Proxy Test https://vpnapi.io/


Name Description URL
WhatsMyName Works out of the box, misses some sites from Sherlock https://whatsmyname.app
Sherlock Needs Python and Git to install and use https://github.com/sherlock-project/sherlock

Social media

Name Platform Description URL
Discord.id Discord Gets info of Discord users with their IDs https://discord.id
SteamID.uk Steam Displays past usernames, friends, groups and additional information https://steamid.uk
SteamHistory.net Steam Displays past usernames, real names, friends and URLs. https://steamhistory.net


Name Description URL
Epieos Great for finding associated Google accounts and other website info https://epieos.com
Osint.industries Functionally similar to Epieos, can potentially give more information https://osint.industries
EmailRep Can check deliverability and sites associated to email address https://emailrep.io
GHunt Gets Google account info, Epieos has it https://github.com/mxrch/ghunt
Holehe Gets sites used by email, Epieos has it https://github.com/megadose/holehe
Hunter.io Can get some emails tied to a domain name https://hunter.io
Phonebook.cz Can get some emails tied to a domain name, data comes mostly from breaches and leaks. Now requires an account to use. https://phonebook.cz

Whois / Domain info

Name Description URL
DomainTools Whois info https://whois.domaintools.com
Host.io Gives DNS records and links that other domain names have in common https://host.io
Whoxy Whois info and history https://whoxy.com
Crt.sh Certificate transparency logs https://crt.sh
Pentest Tools Gets subdomains of a given domain name https://pentest-tools.com/information-gathering/find-subdomains-of-domain
SecurityTrails Subdomains, DNS Records, Historical Data https://securitytrails.com/
WhoisXMLAPI Has APIs and tools for WHOIS and DNS records https://www.whoisxmlapi.com/

Data breach lookup

Name Requires payment? Description URL
HaveIBeenPwned No Only gives info on which sites a person has been seen in breaches https://haveibeenpwned.com
DeHashed Yes Has domain search for breaches, has some breaches Snusbase doesn’t have, also has Whois info but needs credits to use https://dehashed.com
Snusbase Yes No domain searches, has some breaches DeHashed doesn’t have https://snusbase.com
LeakCheck No Free option works similarly to HaveIBeenPwned, paid option focuses strongly on passwords and not other information. https://leakcheck.io
IntelligenceX No (partial info) Paid tier is extremely expensive and is needed to get unredacted info, can be ok to check more obscure breaches/leaks https://intelx.io


Name URL
Wayback Machine https://web.archive.org/
Archive.today https://archive.today
Ghostarchive https://ghostarchive.org/

Reverse Image Search

Name URL
TinEye https://tineye.com
Google https://images.google.com
Yandex https://yandex.com/images/
Bing https://www.bing.com/images/

Google Docs / Sheets / Slides

Name Description URL
Xeuledoc Gets info on document creator (e.g. email, full name, etc) https://github.com/Malfrats/xeuledoc

Wifi Network Geolocation

Name Description URL
WiGLE Find the location of a wifi network by SSID/BSSID https://www.wigle.net/


Name Region Description URL
TruePeopleSearch United States Works best with full name/state https://www.truepeoplesearch.com/
ThatsThem United States Has some free search features for email and phone https://thatsthem.com/
411.ca Canada Limited info, can still be worth looking https://411.ca/
192.com United Kingdom Name search is free but any other info is paywalled https://www.192.com/


Name Description URL
Online EXIF Viewer Display EXIF metadata of a given image https://onlineexifviewer.com/
Browserling Online browser sandbox https://browserling.com/
Browser.lol Similar to Browserling, has longer free session time. https://browser.lol/
WhereGoes Shows redirects of a given link https://wheregoes.com/
PageXRay Analyzes a site’s links and trackers https://pagexray.fouanalytics.com/
DNSChecker Tools related to DNS, IP Addresses and more https://dnschecker.org/all-tools.php
CyberChef All-in-one tool for conversions, encryption/decryption, and much more https://github.com/gchq/CyberChef


Name Description URL
uBlock Origin Ad & tracker blocker https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock
Web Archives Allows easy viewing of a page’s archives https://github.com/dessant/web-archives/
Search by Image Makes reverse searching images easier https://github.com/dessant/search-by-image/
SingleFile Allows you to make local high fidelity archives of a web page and make edits to them if needed https://github.com/gildas-lormeau/SingleFile